Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Birth Photography

We were lucky enough to have a wonderful friend and photographer with us for the birth of our little man. We wondered if it might be awkward to have someone taking photos while I labored, but it wasn't at all! We were busy and focused on my labor that we kind of forgot she was there! But boy was I glad she was!! I would highly recommend birth photography to everyone! We will have these beautiful photos to remember this miracle forever! Chelse is a amazing woman and extremely talented photographer. She is a soft spoken, easy going, happy and compassionate person. Please if you are expecting, speak with Chelse! Please enjoy the slide show of our birth experience. :)

To view more of Chelse's amazing work or contact her please go to her website of facebook page.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Birth Story

Around 37 weeks pregnant I started having regular contractions. Not just braxton hicks but actual contractions. After a false alarm and a trip to labor and delivery we returned home to wait it out. On and off for another week I had contractions that randomly became close and time able for quite awhile only to not progress into active labor. I became very frustrated with this prolonged early labor and three small children to contend with. Between 37-38 weeks I dilated from 0-2 cm. I felt very anxious and frustrated with the entire pregnancy.

A friend, Bobbi, of Bodywork by Bobbi, told me about Birth Affirmations. (More about Birth Affirmations in next post)I thought this sounded silly at first but was willing to give it a try out of desperation. I started watching videos online and reading birth affirmations. In the week to follow I continued the birth affirmations which helped calm and relax me. With my new found calm, I began enjoying my last days of being pregnant, spending time with my family, and preparing for baby.

On August 25th I went in at 7am for my scheduled induction. Then I was glad to have made it to 39 weeks and also to have some good friends around me.

Meet my birthing team:
Mark: My wonderful supportive husband.
Dr. Scott: My excellent OB, he delivered 2 of our 3 previous children.
Carrie: A dear friend, also a L&D nurse, whom I meet after the birth of our first, we connected well and have become close.
Chelse: A photographer friend, attended our birth to capture our miracle. (See post, Maternity Pictures and Birth Photography)
Courtney: Our l&d nurse and coincidentally Chelse's sister.

*Let me say how very important I believe a good support team is. The people around you during labor can very negatively or positively effect your birth. A laboring mother needs positive people around her that support her decisions, and can remain calm. Nobody else, including mothers, mother in laws, or friends have a right to demand that they be present unless invited. I highly recommend you do not bring anyone into the labor and delivery room who is negative or highly opinionated about birthing options of their own experience. Having the right people around me has significantly effected each of my births. Doesn't it figure it took me four children to find my 'perfect team'.

We spent 4 hours first monitoring my contracts (Now 4 minutes apart), baby's heart rate and getting antibiotics to combat my GBS. ( With our first child I tested negative for GBS but she was born with many complications and we found out she had contracted GBS, so all of our subsequent pregnancies were treated to prevent.) I walked around most the morning allowing baby to descend and mentally preparing myself for the labor ahead. We all just hung around chatting and laughing all morning. My doctor arrived at 12:15, checked me and broke my water at 3cm. Hard contractions started immediately after. Carrie was at one side and Mark at the other. My team and myself knew it would be a quick labor. Mark phoned his dad and told him he would not be making it to lunch. For the next 50 minutes I labored. As each contraction came I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I breathed through each contraction with my eyes closed, rubbing my belly on each side and focusing. I remember thinking each contraction makes progress, I reminded myself the pain had a purpose and to not panic. I told myself to relax instead of tensing and let baby decent. Every time I could feel him move down. I began very drowsy and only opened my eyes to tell Carrie and Mark how I felt and changes going on and drifted off again. After around 30 minutes I progressed to 8 cm and felt myself moving into transition. Carrie had me roll over and called my Dr. In the next 15 minutes I progressed to 10 and I felt the urge to push. Dr arrived just in time to help coach me through pushing slowly to not hurt myself or stress the baby to much. His shoulder got stuck but he was born after only 10 minutes. Active labor only last 1 hour 6 minutes and was the most enjoyable birth I've had. I felt incredibly in control of my body and much more aware during this birth. I really attribute that to the birth affirmations and my team.

On August 25, 2010 our first boy, AJ (Andrew Jason) was born at 1:22pm, weighing 8lbs even and 20.5 inches. :)

Maternity Pictures

A few years ago a met an amazingly talented woman, Chelse of Eieio Photography. I was moved by the photos chelse took and was estatic to have her capture my pregnancy of our fourth child.
We met at a beautiful park in Penfield. I am around 36 weeks pregnant.

A family picture. Our three beautiful girls are a little boy on the way!

Please visit Chelse's website and facebook page to see more of her amazing work and to contact her!

Stay tuned for our little mans birth story!! Chelse will be with us for his birth! :)